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The Talk, Delicate Conversation by Families of Color

In 2022, The Garden announced the anthology project, The Talk, Delicate Conversation by Families of Color. We asked for essays and poetry from parents who've had to tell their children a story, give them a warning, or tell them things no parents wants to have to say to their child.

And yet, every day, they do. They must remind their children the world out there may not be kind. People may not see the person inside because they can't see past the outside.

We believe in the power of stories. When a story is told, heard, and shared, perspectives and beliefs can be challenged and expanded - change is possible when our stories are heard.

The Garden hopes the stories in future volumes change, from those of warnings to ones of limitless possibilities. For this to happen, these conversations must be continued and shared with everyone - especially those who've never heard them before, who've never had to tell them to their own children.

Beginning with the book launch for Volume 1 in February where contributors will come together to share their work, the Garden will continue hosting live events to keep the conversation going and prepare for Volume 2.

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